Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quiet Mind, Passive Soul?

Sunshine, green, scent of renewed life: I'm happy.

I think this was the longest winter of my life.

Today i sat on the porch with some cereal and just watched the backyard.
We have squirrels in our trees and those little buggers are hella daredevils.
Bees, birds, mosquitoes; the yard is a busy place.

Cable lines overhead, streamlining through tree branches, connecting the houses to a common source; takes u out of nature's squishy embrace for just a moment... but then, "whatever, better than nothing".

Saturday: aka first time on a plane again in FOREVER!
Looking forward to airport buzz; the airport people, the airport smell...

Looking forward to the take off, the crappy pork-by-product containing snack, the landing.

Looking forward to some hard work, back breaking lifting, partying in an previously-unvisited town, and a luxuriously long road trip home.... where i get to be the passenger!

Could I ask for anything better out of a May long weekend?

Probably not.

Unless the unnamed stranger-by-time-friend had come to town.
That, mayhaps, could have been a bit more interesting.

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